Charlie Dittmeier's Trip to USA--Hong Kong
11-13 June, 2002

I had planned several meetings and contacts for this time in Hong Kong but the stay turned out to be shorter than I had planned.

12 June

Jetlag woke me up at 5:00 AM this morning, but I had a fairly good night's sleep before then. After greeting all the Maryknoll people gathered for breakfast, I then had a meeting with Dave Harrison, the co-director of the Maryknoll China Service Project which places and supports US college students teaching English in universities in China. At our meeting in New York two weeks ago, we had decided to allow lay missioners from the MMAF to request assignment in China, and I needed to update Dave about that.

I tried hooking up my laptop to the Internet from the Stanley house, but now Maryknoll there has a broadband connection and I needed to install a network adapter to use it. The problem was that my A: drive is not working so I could not load the floppy disk with the network adapter drivers.

Instead I headed into Hong Kong in the rain, making a first stop at the Admiralty Center where I wanted to check on repairing my laptop while I was in HK. I couldn't find the service center, though, so I headed over to the Catholic Center where I bought some First Communion certificates to use in Phnom Penh. Then I rode the Star Ferry, one of HK's landmarks, across the harbor and took a bus to Lok Fu where I ate lunch at McDonald's and then bought a pair of shoes at the store where I used to buy shoes when I lived in Lok Fu. Then I walked over to St. Patrick's parish to say hello to Betty Tsui, one of the volunteers with the Catholic deaf program, who is now a secretary for the parish. After that I walked over to the Bishop Ford Center, my old homestead, to see the progress there after the government tore down the Tung Tau Tsuen village and made plans to replace it with high rises. They are still working on the foundations of the new development. Back at Stanley, I had supper with the gang and then made some phone calls.

June 13

After breakfast I made more phone calls to people I would not be able to visit this trip, and then packed up my belongings. I left Hong Kong with a little more than I brought there because I went up into the Maryknoll attic and sorted out a few items left there three years ago when I moved to Cambodia and brought them along with me on this trip.

Betty Tsui met me at the airport and we had a chance to talk for a bit before it was time to go out to the departure area.  The two and a half hour flight from HK to Phnom Penh was uneventful and we arrived at 6:00 PM. I took a taxi to the Maryknoll house and that concluded my five weeks of travel.

The End

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